Surgery Consent Forms

General Patient Forms:

If possible, please e-mail or fax completed surgery forms to the surgery coordinator: Wendy


​Fax: (501) 224-1003

​​Deer Eye Clinic

 Ophthalmology Group

All patient forms are in PDF Format

Please Note: The Clinic Privacy Practices are Linked Separately From the New Patient Forms

Office and Optical Hours:

Monday - Friday: 8am-5pm

Closed 11:30am - 12:30pm

Office Phone(501) 224-4701

Office Fax(501) 224-1003​

Optical Line(501) 224-4359

Office Hours:

​8:00 a.m.- 5:00 p.m. M-F

Office Phone(501) 224-4701

Office Fax(501) 224-1003​

Optical Line(501) 224-4359